Facegen Files Celebrity

Believe it or not there are still people out there who still play Oblivion. These are some links to downloadable characters I have created for Oblivion, some are of famous celebrities. Thanks for watching my video. If you have any questions or comments make sure to leave them below. Also leave suggest on what you want to see, andhow I can i.

The primary purpose of our website is to provide the user with a list of software programs that support a particular file extension, as well as that help to convert them to another format. FaceGen Modeller supports 2 different file extensions, that's why it was found in our database. The following tables provide information about the association of FaceGen Modeller with file extensions. If the FaceGen Modeller program can be used to convert the file format to another one, such information will also be provided.

Associations of FaceGen Modeller with the file extensions

FaceGen Modeller opens the files:

What can I use this information for?

This information is especially useful when looking for a way to open a specific file. If you already have FaceGen Modeller installed on your computer, you can check which file extensions it supports and look for the data you need in this specific format (or to what format you should convert the data so that you can open them in the FaceGen Modeller).

I do not have a FaceGen Modeller yet. Where should I get it?

Facegen Files Celebrity News

By far the most safe way is to download FaceGen Modeller directly from the developers's website. If you are going to download the FaceGen Modeller from a website that offers a database of downloadable software, you have to reckon with the fact that when you install it on your computer, you will also install the unwanted extras. Please, pay special attention to this.

FacegenFacegen Files Celebrity
I cannot see the file extensions. What should I do?

File extensions are not normally displayed to users. To change this, go to Control Panel, select Appearance and Personalization and Folder Options. Next, select the View and find the option 'Hide extensions for known file types'. The option should be deselected (cleared) and confirmed with OK.

Sample celebrity faces

Here are abunch of .FG files to play with. Someof the models workbetter than others. FaceGen's default rendering output is simplesurface rendering, which means that skintones tend to look a littlelike they've been painted onto a surface (you tend to get asimilar 'look' when you hand-paint a diecast model). For 'pro' imagerendering, a graphics person might use FaceGen for previewing andinitial editing, export a model as an .obj object file, andimport it into a more advanced rendering program, which coulddo moresophisticated things like taking into account the effect of skintranslucency to produce a more photorealistic, less 'flat'image.

And of course, to add other things like hair, andclothing, and bodies, and scenery and props.

The grid of 160-pixel images below actually usesthe 400px .jpgfiles output by default by FaceGen, scaled down by yourweb-browser – click on any of them to see them in400×400.

You can download the original 3D .fg source filesforeach image by clicking on the names further down the page, and loadthem into FaceGen for further tinkering.

Preview Images
LailaRouassLexaDoigLenaHeadeyLilKimLilyAllenLivTylerLizHurleyLyndaCarterLucyLiuMadonnaMadonnaMarg HelgenbergerMariaEwingMarilynMonroeMarinaSirtisMelanieSykesMichelleRyanMichelleTrachtenbergMonicaBellucciMorenaBaccarinMutya BuenaMyaHarrisonMyleeneKlassNaomiCampbellNatalieImbrugliaNataliePortmanNataliePortmanNicoleKidmanNigellaLawsonNoemieLenoirOrnellaMuti
3D Model SourceFiles (in .fg format):
  • m

  • A-F
  • G-K
  • L-O
  • P-Z

Some of these head shapes look slightly iffy, butwith real people, its not always obvious what their actual head shapeisunderneath all the hair. For a couple of the better images here, I madea tiny tweek to the cranium width, and that made a big difference.FaceGen concentrates on trying to get the facial region right, andextrapolates the rest of the head from the facial proportions, sosometimes a series of slight errors in the facial proportions can leadto a funny-looking head. Then again, most of us aren't surrounded bybald people, and probably don't have a good idea of the what thenatural range of headshape variations. I resisted the temptation toedit all the heads to make them look 'normal', partly because most ofthese are going to end up with hair, and partly because, for all Iknew, perhaps this is what these people's heads really looklikeunder all the hair? Who knows?

(16th Feb: Yes, VincentPrice's head really WAS that shape! See him playing 'Egghead'in the Batman TV series)

Once you'vedownloaded one of these heads in .fg format, making these sorts oftweeks is easy. Instead of trying to decipher which FaceGen slider touse, you can simply hold down the Ctrl key andclick and drag on justabout any feature on the face, to pull it around in real-time. WithCtrl-Click, your changes will affectboth sides of the facesymmetrically, so if you think that a head looks too narrow or toowide, you can Ctrl-Click next to the temple and drag the mouse a fewpixels to one side or another. Ctrl-Z is'undo', and 'redo' isCtrl-Y.

Have fun!

PS: thesame disclaimers apply as on the previous page: I don't know SI, theydon't know me, and if you use anyone's faces commerciallywithoutpermission from the people whose faces they actually are, their lawyerswill probably track you down and have you shot. Nuff said.

External Links:

Facegen Files Celebrity Deaths

  • FaceGen– @ Singular Inversions – 'smart' face creator/manipulator,highly automated. They're nothing to do with me! The free version lacks.OBJ export
  • Poser– afull-figure modelling and animation program. Poser is probably the thebest-known 'computer mannequin' program
  • DAZ3D– a free program that reads Poser files. DAZ make their money fromsellingadd-in computer models for people to use within the program..
  • Blender– a free generic 3D modelling program (but with a notoriouslylonglearning curve due to the 'quirky' user-interface).
  • Wikipedia:Anatomical simulation – a useful category that I created onWikipedia

Facegen Files Celebrity Photos

  • ErkDemon Blog– for feedback or discussion of these pages

Facegen Files Celebrity Videos

all original materialcopyright © Eric Baird 2007-2009