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  1. Cards Against Humanity 4th Expansion Pdf To Excel Converter
  2. Cards Against Humanity 4th Expansion Pdf To Excel

What's more, even if the CAH stance on this is that the expansion packs are all freely distributable under the Creative Commons license (and it might be the case),'re putting this up just a day or two after the 5th Expansion Pack has gone on sale, so you're not even giving them a chance to make a buck off of their work before.

Contact Information. Address: Lower Macungie Self Storage LLC 2830 Route 100, Macungie,PA 18062. Phone: 610-965-7200 Email: Cards Against Humanity — Full Size Print Versions. Here are some files you can print out and use for your own copy of Cards Against Humanity. These are formatted to be very simmilar size to the actual cards, so they should be compatible with any future expansions or any commercially purchased copies.

Cards Against Humanity is the hilarious party game for horrible people, and now you can mix the game's political incorrectness with your knowledge of Doctor Who thanks to a fan-made edition called Cards Against Gallifrey.

Because Cards Against Humanity is published under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, anyone can make their own cards for the game, provided they publish them under the same license and don't sell them. The comedy group Conventional Improv performs a game show based on Cards Against Humanity at different conventions, and this fall, in honor of the Doctor Who 50th anniversary, they played Cards Against Gallifrey and have made their version of the game available to the public. Naturally, it's crude, offensive, and imagines most of the cast naked.

Cards Against Humanity 4th Expansion Pdf To Excel Converter


You can see the cards on imgur (a few samples are below) and download the entire deck through dropcanvas. You could even give them normal Cards Against Humanity backings and play them as part of your larger deck.

Update: The original version of the deck contained a few typos, so the folks at Conventional Improv were kind enough to fix them and upload a new deck. The decks at the download link should now be typo-free.


Tajima dgml by pulse edition x2 maestro cards. Cards Against Gallifrey [imgur] and Download [dropcanvas via Geek Art Gallery]



Cards Against Humanity
DesignersJosh Dillon, Daniel Dranove, Eli Halpern, Ben Hantoot, David Munk, David Pinsof, Max Temkin, Eliot Weinstein
PublisherCards Against Humanity LLC
Release dateMay 2011; 8 years ago
Players3 – 20+
Age range17+
Cards550 (1.0), 600 (2.0)[a] (base set)
Playing time30 min – 90 min

Cards Against Humanity 4th Expansion Pdf To Excel

Cards Against Humanity is a party game in which players complete fill-in-the-blank statements using words or phrases typically deemed as offensive, risqué or politically incorrect printed on playing cards. It has been compared to the 1999 card game Apples to Apples[1] and originated from a Kickstarter campaign in 2011.[1] Its title refers to the phrase 'crimes against humanity', reflecting its politically incorrect content.[2]

  • 3Release and sales



Cards Against Humanity was created by a group of eight Highland Park High School alumni, including Ben Hantoot and Max Temkin.[3] Heavily influenced by the popular Apples to Apples card game, it was initially named Cardenfreude[4] (a pun on Schadenfreude) and involved a group of players writing out the most abstract and, often, humorous response to the topic question. The name was later changed to Cards Against Humanity, with the answers pre-written on the white cards known today.[5] Co-creator Ben Hantoot cited experiences with various games such as Magic: The Gathering, Balderdash, and Charades as inspiration, also noting that Mad Libs was 'the most direct influence' for the game.[6]

The game was financed with a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign and influenced by a previous crowd-funded campaign for a book on the design of the Obama campaign.[7] The campaign started on December 1, 2010; it met its goal of $4,000 in two weeks.[8] The campaign ended on January 30, 2011, and raised over $15,000; just under 400% of its original goal. With this additional money raised towards the game, the creators added fifty more cards to the game itself.[9]


To start the game, each player draws ten white cards.

According to the rule book provided with the game, the person who most recently pooped (a form of primitive randomization) begins as the 'Card Czar' (or 'Card Tsar') and plays a black card, face up. The Card Czar then reads the question or fill-in-the-blanks phrase on the black card out loud.

The other players answer the question or fill in the blanks by each passing one white card (or however many required by the black card), face down, to the Card Czar.

The Card Czar shuffles all of the answers and shares each card combination with the group. For full effect, the Card Czar should usually re-read the black card before presenting each answer. The Card Czar then picks the funniest play, and whoever submitted it gets one 'Awesome Point'.

After the round, a new player becomes the Card Czar, and everyone draws back up to 10 white cards.[10]

The part of speech of a white card is a noun or gerund, including both single words and phrase constructions. Black cards are either fill-in-the-blank statements or questions. Both white and black cards break these rules on rare occasions.

The rules do not state how to win the game—the object being simply to have fun.

Cards against humanity 4th expansion pdf to excel free

The rules in Cards Against Humanity are flexible and can be altered with the many house rules (which are listed in the rules) that players can incorporate (e.g. winning cards are chosen democratically, ability to trade points for cards, points given by ranks, etc.). The official rules include additional provisions for gambling previously won 'Awesome Points' for the right to play additional white cards during a round.

Release and sales[edit]

A stack of Cards Against Humanity boxes at Fan Expo Canada 2013.

After six months of development, Cards Against Humanity was officially released in May 2011. A month later, it became the number one game on[11] Since its release, CAH has gradually become more popular and has seen a rise of sales throughout the years. The Chicago Sun-Times estimated that CAH earned at least $12 million in profit, and according to the company, customers have downloaded the PDF file 1.5 million times in the year since they began tracking the numbers.[12]

In October 2011, the game was exhibited as part of the 'Big Games' area of the annual IndieCade games festival in Culver City, where the release of a first expansion was officially announced.[13] In November 2011, the expansion was released. It sold out in three days. The first expansion contained 100 new cards and 12 blank cards.[14]

The base game cards are licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0 license and can be officially downloaded at their website.

Black Friday promotions[edit]

Since 2013, the creators of Cards Against Humanity have held satirical promotions on Black Friday. In 2013, an 'anti-sale' was held in which the game's cost was raised by $5 USD. Despite its higher price, the game went on to maintain its best-selling status on Amazon and experienced a minor spike in sales during that period.[15]

Japji sahib steek. In 2014, to 'help you experience the ultimate savings on Cards Against Humanity', the game and its expansions were removed from the online store and replaced by 'Bullshit'—boxes containing sterilized bullfeces, sold at $6 USD each.[16] Over 30,000 boxes were sold.[17]

In 2015, the game's online store was replaced by an order form with an offer to 'Give Cards Against Humanity $5' and receive nothing in return. The offer was justified by claiming that 'the greatest Black Friday gift of all is buying nothing. We're offering that for the rock-bottom price of $5. How can you afford NOT to seize this incredible opportunity?', and that what the money would be used for would be announced 'soon'[18] 11,248 customers spent $71,145 on the offer during the campaign. The money was ultimately divided equally among the Cards Against Humanity team members, who were asked to report back what they spent their money on. Many of them made donations to different charities.[19]

For 2016, the creators began to live stream the excavation of a 'Holiday Hole', located in Oregon, Illinois, and stated that they would continue to dig the hole as long as they continue to receive donations. The creators did not state any reason for the hole nor any planned use of the money, and explicitly ruled out charity in a FAQ by asking the reader, 'why aren't YOU giving all this money to charity? It's your money.' $100,573 was collected.[20][21] Later in the week, the hole was filled back up and reseeded.[22]


Prior to Black Friday in 2017, a brand of potato chips known as Original Prongles (a parody of Pringles) were spotted in multiple Target stores, with packaging featuring a pig mascot and the slogan 'Once You Pop. That's Great!'. On Black Friday, the Cards Against Humanity website was redirected to, which announced that the creators of Cards Against Humanity had exited the gaming industry in favor of snack food, with a commitment to 'bold flavors and bold thinking'. In a interview, Max Temkin and Josh Dillon (who referred to themselves as Prongles' 'chief flavor officers') stated that Prongles and its pig mascot were inspired by U.S. president Donald Trump, adding that 'if you love President Donald J. Trump, we guarantee you will love the tangy onion and thick cream flavors of Original Prongles. That's why we promise to Make America CRUNCH Again™! [sic]'[23][24][25]

In 2018, the creators held a '99 Percent Off Sale', selling random items (such as a used 2015 Ford Fiesta, medieval weapons, and even cash) for 99% off, with a new item every 10 minutes. The creators stated that the promotion was '100% real and possibly a very bad idea.'[26][27]

Expansions and additional products[edit]

Cards Against Humanity comes as a base set, with six separate commercially available expansions, nine themed packs, and one additional accessory. There are also 3 international editions and 20 limited availability releases.

On July 28, 2015, Cards Against Humanity announced a design-themed expansion pack, featuring 30 cards that were created by famous designers riffing on comedian George Carlin’s legendary “seven dirty words.” All proceeds were donated to the Chicago Design Museum.[28]

Cards Against Humanity 4th Expansion Pdf To Excel

In July 2017, a special edition of the base game, Cards Against Humanity For Her, was unveiled, in support of EMILY's List—a U.S. political action committee that aims to help elect female pro-choiceDemocratic candidates to office. As a satire of the 'pink tax', it is exactly the same, except $5 more expensive and with a pink-colored box.[29]

PackRelease dateTotal cardsWhite cardsBlack cardsNotes
Base Game
Cards Against Humanity55046090The original game
Only available in the US
Canadian Edition55046090Replaces some American-centric jokes with ones targeted toward Canadians.
Only available in Canada
(Bulldog)UK Edition55046090Replaces some American-centric jokes with ones targeted toward British people.
Only available in the UK
(Emu)Australian Edition55046090Replaces some American-centric jokes with ones targeted toward Australians.
Only available in Australia and New Zealand
Expansion Packs
1First Expansion112808204No longer available (superseded by the Red Box)
2Second Expansion112758254
3Third Expansion112758254
4Fourth Expansion112708304No longer available (superseded by the Blue Box)
5Fifth Expansion112758254
6Sixth Expansion112758254
Red Box30023070Contains the same cards as Expansions 1, 2 and 3 (without blank cards)
Blue Box30022080Contains the same cards as Expansions 4, 5 and 6 (without blank cards)
Green BoxNovember 201630024555
Smaller Themed Packs
The Bigger Blacker Box51214010An empty storage case that can hold Cards Against Humanity and every expansion; also contains blank cards, the Box Expansion, 10 card dividers, foam filler, and a card hidden under the inside paper lining of the lid
No longer available (superseded by the New Bigger Blacker Box)
New Bigger Blacker BoxNovember 201653234010Larger version of the previous Bigger Blacker Box; contains everything in the Bigger Blacker Box except foam blocks and dividers, also contains a procedually generated card and a card hidden under the inside paper lining of the bottom as well as within the top cover.
2012 Holiday Pack201230237Profits donated to the Wikimedia Foundation
(Santa hat)2013 Holiday Pack201330219Profits donated to
(Bauble)2014 Holiday Pack201430246Profits donated to Sunlight Foundation
9090s Nostalgia Pack302371990s themed
Canadian Conversion Kit26215Contained two instruction cards with suggestions on how to swap out American cards from the US base set with Canadian ones
No longer available (superseded by the Canadian Edition base set)
(Abstract symbol)Design Pack3030Fully illustrated by different graphic designers; profits donated to the Chicago Design Museum
(Crisscrossed knife and spoon)Food Pack30246Co-written with Lucky Peach magazine
(Hitachi Magic Wand)Fantasy Pack32266Profits donated to Pat Rothfuss’ Worldbuilders charity
(D-pad)Geek Pack30246Previously released at PAX East and PAX Prime in 2013 and 2014
Jew Pack201530255Originally released as the 2015 Holiday Pack, with 150,000 copies sent to people signed up for 'Eight Sensible Gifts for Hanukkah'
Post-Trump Pack30255Previously released in the 'Donald Trump Bug-Out Bag'
Sci-Fi PackDecember 201630237Profits donated to Worldbuilders
Science Pack30237Profits donated to the Science Ambassador Scholarship
Vote for Hillary PackAugust 201615123Hillary Clinton–themed; originally released as part of 'America Votes with Cards Against Humanity' during the 2016 US presidential election[30]
Vote for Trump PackAugust 201615123Donald Trump–themed; originally released as part of 'America Votes with Cards Against Humanity' during the 2016 US presidential election[30]
@World Wide Web Pack30219Cards written with anonymous users of Reddit; profits donated to the Electronic Frontier Foundation
Your Shitty JokesNovember 2016504010Blank cards
(Marijuana leaf)Weed PackJuly 201730255Profits donated to the Marijuana Policy Project
(Three blood drops)Period PackJuly 201730246Comes with a few surprises for your special time.
Limited Release Packs
Reject Pack24168Each co-creator picked three cards that were rejected from print
Reject Pack 2342410Given out for attending Concert Against Humanity at Gen Con 2015
House of Cards Against Humanity25169Based on House of Cards

10,000 copies (sold out in 45 minutes)

(A meeple)TableTop Expansion Pack15123A $20 contribution reward for the TableTopIndiegogo campaign. It also came with a white pin with the words '+20 to making TableTop' on it
PAX Prime 2012 Goof Pack1495Given out to replace misprints in v1.2; also included new cards (since included in v1.3)
PAX East 2013 Promo Packs1082Pack A
1082Pack B
1082Pack C
PAX Prime 2013 Promo Packs44377Randomly given out booster packs
PAX East 2014 Promo Packs27225Randomly inserted booster packs within packets of oatmeal
PAX East 2014 Panel Pack1082Given out for attending the Cards Against Humanity panel
PAX Prime 2014 Panel Pack1055Given out for attending the Cards Against Humanity panel
PAX Prime 2015 Food Pack Pre-release30246Contained one different card from final release, given out inside a popsicle in three different flavors (cherry, coconut and mango). The packs were distributed from a re-purposed ice cream truck with Cards Against Humanity insignia (Cards Popsicle Humanity). Each of the three Food Pack parts were sold for $3.[31]
(A person opening a safe)Ten Days or Whatever of Kwanzaa Safe Opener Card
Being the crazy person who opened the safe.
1112 copies found in the safe on Hawaii 2 island
Ten Days or Whatever of Kwanzaa Sloth Card11250,000 copies found in the safe on Hawaii 2 island
(Paper shopping bag)The Retail Pack532Special pack of cards only available through independent brick and mortar retailers approved to sell the game
Hanukkah LOL Pack77Only been printed 3 times
Fascism Pack17152A $30 contribution reward for the Secret HitlerKickstarter campaign; in an exclusive foil pack
Trump Bug Out Pack25223Packaged with the Donald Trump Bug-Out Bag
Retail Product Pack20191Silver Pack Sold at Exclusive Target Stores (Includes $1 bill inside package)
Please Do Not Buy This Product1169-inch box containing a single, metallic foil card.
Mass Effect Pack14104Cards based on the video game series Mass Effect
Hidden Compartment PackJuly 20171515Special pack of cards only available through Target's in-store display of CAH and Exploding Kittens demo.

Political involvement and the Nuisance Committee[edit]

In August 2016, Cards Against Humanity released two 'America Votes' packs for the two presidential candidates: Vote for Hillary Pack and Vote for Trump Pack. Each pack contains 15 cards of jokes about the candidate. Designer Max Temkin said that the proceeds for both packs would go to Clinton's campaign regardless.[30] The group began posting billboards under a political action committee called the Nuisance Committee.[32] Temkin named the PAC after his grandfather who was a Jewish POW in World War II, who formed a 'nuisance committee' to try to annoy their Nazi captors without getting killed.[33] In September, the group posted a billboard in Chicago with the words: 'If Trump is so rich, how come he didn't buy this billboard?'.[34] In October 2016, the Nuisance Committee posted a billboard in Dearborn, Michigan which was printed in Arabic text on a black background, reading 'Donald Trump can’t read this, but he is scared of it'.[35][36][37] An Overwatch-themed Anti-Trump billboard was also posted in Orlando, Florida.[38]

In August 2017, the Nuisance Committee posted billboards against incumbent Illinois representative Peter Roskam.[32]

In mid-November 2017, the creators announced a campaign, Cards Against Humanity Saves America, in protest of the Trump administration and Donald Trump's proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall, arguing that Trump was 'a preposterous golem who is afraid of Mexicans. He is so afraid that he wants to build a $20 billion wall that everyone knows will accomplish nothing.' It was revealed that the creators had purchased vacant land along the border and 'retained a law firm specializing in eminent domain to make it as time-consuming and expensive as possible for the wall to get built'. It was also announced that those who make a $15 donation for the campaign would receive six 'surprises' throughout December, including additional cards and a map of the aforementioned land plot.[39] One of the surprises was the redistribution of the money paid, including 10,000 refunds, and issuing $1,000 cheques to 100 donors they determined to be the most in need.[40]


The game was praised as 'Simple, yet well-executed' by the Chicago Tribune 'Puzzler',[41] 'pretty amazing' by The A.V. Club, and 'the game your party deserves' by Thrillist.[42] However, in December 2015, the game received a rating of 6.48/10 in reviews on BoardGameGeek. The score earned it a ranking of 146 in party games.[43]

Reviews note the similarity between Cards Against Humanity and the 1999 family card game Apples to Apples. The A.V. Adobe creative suite 4 cs4 master collection keygen torrent. Club interview calls the game 'a sort of Apples to Apples for the crass and jaded.'[5] Criticism for the game stems from its enjoyment primarily depending on the number of players participating as well as many reviewers' concern that its politically incorrect content may offend certain audiences.[44]

In a letter of complaint to The New York Times Magazine, writer Dan Brooks argued:

Like America's most successful brands, Cards Against Humanity positions itself against the masses, when in fact it is mass taste distilled. It is the product of a culture in which transgressing social norms has become an agreed-on social norm . Cards Against Humanity isn't really transgressive at all. It is a game of naughty giggling for people who think the phrase 'black people' is inherently funny . The awful thing is that it works. The reliability of Cards Against Humanity as an activity most people will enjoy only makes it more depressing to those of us immune to its charms. It is, in the end, a party game for horrible people. But who else is there to party with?[45]

Brooks' editorial received attention from media sources such as The A.V. Club and PJ Media.[46][47]

See also[edit]

  • Apples to Apples – similar game that influenced Cards Against Humanity and other card comparison titles


  1. ^Version 2.0 of Cards Against Humanity expanded the base set to 600 cards.


  1. ^ abChu, Arthur (July 29, 2014). 'The Case Against Cards Against Humanity: Is Max Temkin a Horrible Person?'. The Daily Beast. Archived from the original on November 25, 2017.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  2. ^'Cards Against Humanity buys remote Maine island, calls it 'Hawaii 2' - The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram'. The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram. Archived from the original on December 25, 2014.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  3. ^Weinberger, Matt (February 14, 2017). 'The creators of 'Cards Against Humanity' explain the secret of staying funny even after the 'punk rock authenticity' is gone'. Business Insider. Archived from the original on February 17, 2017.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  4. ^'A Brief History of Cards Against Humanity - Best Play'. Best Play. February 4, 2017. Archived from the original on February 5, 2017. Retrieved February 4, 2017.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  5. ^ ab'A Card Game For Assholes'. Interview with The Onion AV Club. Archived from the original on June 24, 2012. Retrieved June 13, 2011.
  6. ^'Cards Against Humanity: An Offensive Interview'. Dice Hate Me Interview. Archived from the original on August 2, 2016. Retrieved November 11, 2016.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  7. ^Best Play (February 4, 2017), The Brief History of Cards Against Humanity, archived from the original on February 10, 2017, retrieved February 4, 2017Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  8. ^Kimball, Diana. 'Case Study: Cards Against Humanity'. Kickstarter. Archived from the original on April 7, 2014. Retrieved April 3, 2014.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  9. ^'Cards Against Humanity Page on Kickstarter'. Kickstarter Page For Cards Against Humanity. Archived from the original on August 9, 2011. Retrieved June 11, 2011.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  10. ^'Cards Against Humanity Rules'(PDF). AdMagic Inc. Archived(PDF) from the original on February 13, 2015. Retrieved February 7, 2015.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  11. ^'Amazon Best Sellers, Toys and Games'. Archived from the original on February 2, 2016.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  12. ^Megan Graham (May 16, 2014). 'Eight nerds get rich off a game where Oprah sobs into a Lean Cuisine'. Chicago Sun-Times. Archived from the original on December 20, 2014. Retrieved December 21, 2014.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  13. ^'IndieCade Big Games 2011'. IndieCade Big Games 2011. Archived from the original on October 16, 2011.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  14. ^'Cards Against Humanity Expansion Sells Out in Three Days'. Cards Against Humanity. Archived from the original on February 2, 2016.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  15. ^Carlson, Nicholas. 'Look What Happened When This Games Company Offered An Absurd '$5 More' Black Friday Deal'. Business Insider. Archived from the original on April 7, 2014. Retrieved April 2, 2014.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  16. ^'Cards Against Humanity calls bull**** on Black Friday, sells cow feces'. Ars Technica. Archived from the original on November 29, 2014. Retrieved November 30, 2014.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  17. ^Landau, Joel (December 16, 2014). 'Cards Against Humanity sells 30,000 boxes of actual bull poop on Black Friday'. New York Daily News. Archived from the original on December 16, 2014. Retrieved December 16, 2014.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  18. ^'Cards Against Humanity Has Made Over $54K Selling Nothing On Black Friday'. TechCrunch. Archived from the original on November 27, 2016. Retrieved November 26, 2016.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  19. ^Olanoff, Drew. 'Here's What Cards Against Humanity Is Doing With The $71,145 They Made On Black Friday'. TechCrunch. Archived from the original on December 15, 2015. Retrieved December 16, 2015.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  20. ^'Cards Against Humanity is making thousands of dollars digging a 'Holiday Hole' in the ground (update)'. Polygon. Archived from the original on November 26, 2016. Retrieved November 26, 2016.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  21. ^'Cards Against Humanity raises $100,000 to dig 'tremendous hole''. The Guardian. Archived from the original on November 29, 2016. Retrieved November 29, 2016.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  22. ^'Cards Against Humanity has filled in its giant hole to nowhere'. CNET. Archived from the original on December 6, 2016. Retrieved December 9, 2016.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  23. ^'Cards Against Humanity Sold Trump-Hating Potato Chips at Target for Black Friday'. Adweek. Retrieved November 28, 2017.
  24. ^Saelinger, Tracy. 'The maker of Pringles-style 'Prongles' chips is finally revealed'. Retrieved November 28, 2017.
  25. ^Crowrey, Chris. 'Target Is Apparently Selling These 'Prongles' — and Nobody Knows Why'. Grub Street. Retrieved November 28, 2017.
  26. ^Buckley, Sean. 'Cards Against Humanity sells diamonds, TVs, actual money and more for 99% off'. CNET. Retrieved December 19, 2018.
  27. ^''This is 100% real and possibly a very bad idea': Cards Against Humanity is selling used cars, medieval weapons, TVs, and even $100 bills for 99% off'. Business Insider. Retrieved November 27, 2018.
  28. ^'Cards Against Humanity offers Carlin's 7 bad words for good cause'. Archived from the original on February 2, 2016.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  29. ^Sarkar, Samit (July 11, 2017). 'Cards Against Humanity takes on the pink tax with 'for Her' box'. Polygon. Retrieved July 12, 2017.
  30. ^ abc'Cards Against Humanity Release 'Hillary' and 'Trump' Expansions'. Archived from the original on September 7, 2017. Retrieved October 11, 2017.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  31. ^'Cards Against Humanity Releases Special Food-Themed Cards Inside Popsicles'. Chicagoist. Archived from the original on October 12, 2015. Retrieved October 5, 2015.Cite uses deprecated parameter dead-url= (help)
  32. ^ ab'SWEET: Roskam faces super PAC billboards from 'The Nuisance Committee''. Archived from the original on October 11, 2017. Retrieved October 11, 2017.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  33. ^'Cards Against Humanity's super PAC buys anti-Trump billboard'. September 29, 2016. Archived from the original on October 11, 2017. Retrieved October 11, 2017.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  34. ^Yerak, Becky. 'Cards Against Humanity group put up 90-foot taunt of Donald Trump'. Archived from the original on October 11, 2017. Retrieved October 11, 2017.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  35. ^Samuelson, Kate. 'Anti-Trump Billboard With Arabic Message Erected in Michigan'. Time. Archived from the original on December 22, 2016. Retrieved October 11, 2017.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  36. ^Jr, Cleve R. Wootson (October 18, 2016). 'The billboard mocking Donald Trump: 'He can't read this''. Archived from the original on October 11, 2017. Retrieved October 11, 2017 – via uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  37. ^'The Cards Against Humanity super PAC posted a brilliant Trump takedown — in Arabic'. October 18, 2016. Archived from the original on October 11, 2017. Retrieved October 11, 2017.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  38. ^'One of 2016's Coolest Anti-Trump Ads Has a Headline Most of You Won't Understand'. Archived from the original on October 11, 2017. Retrieved October 11, 2017.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  39. ^Koerber, Brian. 'Cards Against Humanity buys piece of the U.S. border so Trump can't build his wall'. Mashable. Archived from the original on November 14, 2017. Retrieved November 14, 2017.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  40. ^'Game Company 'Redistributes Wealth' in Latest Promotion'. NBC Chicago. Retrieved December 10, 2017.
  41. ^'Cards Against Humanity'. Chicago Tribune Puzzler review. Archived from the original on February 25, 2011. Retrieved June 13, 2011.
  42. ^'Cards Against Humanity'. Thrillist review. Archived from the original on July 27, 2011. Retrieved June 13, 2011.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  43. ^'Cards Against Humanity page on BoardGameGeek'. Archived from the original on June 7, 2011.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  44. ^'Cards Against Humanity: A Party Game For Horrible People (UK Edition) Review'Archived April 7, 2014, at the Wayback Machine. Games & Tea. Retrieved April 3, 2014.
  45. ^Brooks, Dan (October 7, 2016). 'Letter of Complaint: Cards Against Humanity'. The New York Times Magazine. Archived from the original on October 18, 2016. Retrieved October 25, 2016.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)
  46. ^Adamczyk, Laura (October 7, 2016). 'A writer rails against Cards Against Humanity'. The A.V. Club. The A.V. Club. Archived from the original on October 26, 2016. Retrieved October 25, 2016.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: publisher= (help)
  47. ^O'Neil, Tyler (October 11, 2016). ''The New York Times' Really, REALLY Hates 'Cards Against Humanity''. PJ Media. Archived from the original on October 26, 2016. Retrieved October 25, 2016.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: website= (help)

Further reading[edit]

  • Walker, Rob (September 1, 2016). 'Cards Against Humanity Has Been a Huge Win for This Small Printing Company'.

Cards Against Humanity Expansion List

External links[edit]

Cards Against Humanity Expansion Box

  • Official website

Cards Against Humanity All Expansions

Retrieved from ''

White cards

A bunch of idiots playing a card game instead of interacting like normal humans.
A sex goblin with a carnival penis.
Lots and lots of abortions.
Injecting speed into one arm and horse tranquilizer into the other.
Sharks with legs.
A sex comet from Neptune that plunges the Earth into eternal sexiness.
How awesome I am.
Smoking crack, for instance.
A dance move that’s just sex.
A hopeless amount of spiders.
Drinking responsibly.
Angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of the night.
Bouncing up and down.
A shiny rock that proves I love you.
Crazy opium eyes.
Moderate-to-severe joint pain.
Finally finishing off the Indians.
Actual mutants with medical conditions and no superpowers.
The complex geopolitical quagmire that is the Middle East.
Neil Diamond’s Greatest Hits.
No clothes on, penis in vagina.
Whispering all sexy.
A horse with no legs.
Almost giving money to a homeless person.
Interspecies marriage.
What Jesus would do.
A manhole.
My dad’s dumb fucking face.
A Ugandan warlord.
My worthless son.
A Native American who solves crimes by going into the spirit world.
A kiss on the lips.
A fart.
The peaceful and nonthreatening rise of China.
Snorting coke off a clown’s boner.
Three consecutive seconds of happiness.
Falling into the toilet.
Ass to mouth.
Some sort of Asian.
The size of my penis.
The safe word.
Party Mexicans.
Ambiguous sarcasm.
An interracial handshake.
10 Incredible Facts About the Anus.
The secret formula for ultimate female satisfaction.
Sugar madness.
Calculating every mannerism so as not to suggest homosexuality.
Fucking a corpse back to life.
All the single ladies.
Whatever a McRib is made of.
The euphoric rush of strangling a drifter.
A gender identity that can only be conveyed through slam poetry.
Stuffing a child’s face with Fun Dip until he starts having fun.
A for-real lizard that spits blood from its eyes.
The tiniest shred of evidence that God is real.
Prince Ali, fabulous he, Ali Ababwa.
Dem titties.
Exploding pigeons.
My sex dungeon.
Child Protective Services.
Unquestioning obedience.
Grammar nazis who are also regular Nazis.

Black cards

What’s fun until it gets weird?
In the beginning, there was _______. And the Lord said, “Let there be _______.”
Wes Anderson’s new film tells the story of a precocious child coming to terms with _______.
_______ will never be the same after _______.
I’m sorry, sir, but we don’t allow ______ at the country club.
How am I compensating for my tiny penis?
You’ve seen the bearded lady! You’ve seen the ring of fire! Now, ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes upon _______!
We never did find _______, but along the way we sure learned a lot about _______.
She’s up all night for good fun. I’m up all night for _______.
_______ may pass, but _______ will last forever.
Dear Leader Kim Jong-un, our village praises your infinite wisdom with a humble offering of _______.
Man, this is bullshit. Fuck _______.
You guys, I saw this crazy movie last night. It opens on ______, and then there’s some stuff about ______, and then it ends with _______.
In return for my soul, the Devil promised me _______, but all I got was _______.
The Japanese have developed a smaller, more efficient version of _______.
Alright, bros. Our frat house is condemned, and all the hot slampieces are over at Gamma Phi. That time has come to commence Operation _______.
This is the prime of my life. I’m young, hot, and full of _______.
I’m pretty sure I’m high right now, because I’m absolutely mesmerized by _______.
It lurks in the night. It hungers for flesh. This summer, no one is safe from ________.
If you can’t handle _______, you’d better stay away from _______.
Forget everything you know about _______, because now we’ve supercharged it with ________!
Honey, I have a new role-play I want to try tonight! You can be _______, and I’ll be _______.
This year’s hottest album is “_______” by _______.
Every step towards _______ gets me a little bit closer to _______.
Oprah’s book of the month is “_______ For _______: A Story of Hope.”
Do not fuck with me! I am literally _______ right now.
2 AM in the city that never sleeps. The door swings open and she walks in, legs up to here. Something in her eyes tells me she’s looking for _______.
As king, how will I keep the peasants in line?
Adventure. Romance. _______. From Paramount Pictures, “________.”
I am become _______, destroyer of _______!