Bible Verse Organizer Software

New International Version (NIV)

When the books of the Bible were first written, they spoke clearly to people in their heart language. There was no gap between hearing God’s Word and understanding it. The translation philosophy of the New International Version (NIV) is to recreate this experience for you in contemporary English. Sometimes the Bible can feel like a forei… Read more…

  • Deluxe Organizer with Study Kit Bible Cover, Burgundy, Extra Large White Dove Designs / 2010 / Gift Our Price $17.99 Retail: Retail Price $24.99 Save 28% ($7.00).
  • EtreRef is a set of dictionaries for the new Dictionary program introduced in MacOSX 10.5. This database is the American Standard edition of the Holy Bible. Select the Holy Bible (American Standard) dictionary from the toolbar or the Search menu. File Name:EtreRefHolyBible-AmericanSt

English Standard Version - ESV

To achieve the greatest possible accuracy in an English translation of the original Hebrew and Greek texts, the translators of this readable, modern Bible version have attempted to write what is, as much as possible, a “word for word” rendering of the text. The authors of the English Standard Version, ESV, published in 2001, view their work as … Read more…

New King James Version (NKJV)

FREE BIBLE SOFTWARE DOWNLOADS Download Free. Like the online Bibles you can read various versions and have study tools at your fingertips. It's fairly easy to find free Bible software applications to use on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. Shop bible covers for women, Bible covers for men, large Bible covers and organizer Bible cases. We stock leather bible covers, and the popular camo canvas Bible covers – any kind of Bible carrying case you might want. Each of these fashionable Bible accessories can protect and preserve your Bible while making a simple yet profound statement.

The New King James Version (NKJV) modernizes the expression of the King James Version published in 1611 by King James I of England (also known as the Authorized Version) while remaining true to the original Greek and Hebrew texts and keeping its literary mastery. Biblical scholars consulted a range of church leaders to keep communal worship, Christ-centered … Read more…

The Message - MSG

Get into Bible reading in a new way with The Message®, a paraphrase of traditional Biblical writings. This translation uses none of the rigidly proper language of other translations—it feels like you’re reading a letter from a family member or an old friend. The language is simple but not simplistic, which makes it easier for you to apply your reading t… Read more…

New Living Translation - NLT

The New Living Translation is an authoritative Bible translation rendered faithfully into today’s English from the ancient texts by 90 leading Bible scholars. The NLT’s scholarship and clarity breathe life into even the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages—but even more powerful are stories of how people’s lives are changing as the words speak… Read more…

New American Standard Bible - NASB

In the simplest of forwards, the goal of this popular translation is stated as follows: “to adhere as closely as possible to the original languages of the Holy Scriptures, and to make the translation in a fluent and readable style according to current English usage.” The New American Standard Bible, or NASB, is based on the American Standard Ve… Read more…

New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

This Bible translation is a contemporary revision of the 1952 Revised Standard Version, which was in turn based on the American Standard Version of 1901. The translators of the New Revised Standard Version, or NRSV, published in 1990, took into account the recent discovery of still older biblical manuscripts that were not available to the translato… Read more…

King James Version - KJV

Download bartender 9.4 full crack. It is said that when William Tyndale (1494 to 1536) was burned at the stake for translating the New Testament into the English vernacular in 1526, his last words were, 'Lord, open the eyes of the king!' Shortly thereafter, the Bible was made available in English by royal decree; in 1604, 85 years after Tyndale's work, King James I authorized a ne… Read more…

Christian Standard Bible (CSB)

The Christian Standard Bible aims to draw readers into a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God. By translating Scripture into the clearest possible modern English, the CSB allows readers to experience God’s Word at its fullest. THE ANCIENT TEXTS AS THEY WERE MEANT TO BE UNDERSTOOD Developed by 100 scholars from… Read more…

Amplified Bible - AMP

For this update to the Amplified Bible (AMP), the goal of the translation team was to enhance the appeal of the Amplified Bible by refreshing the English and refining the amplifications for relevance and clarity. The result is an Amplified Bible that is easier to read and better than ever to study and understand. The Amplified Bible of 201… Read more…

Bible Verse Organizer Software

New American Standard Bible with Strong's Numbers - NASB Strong's

This NASB Strong's utilizes the 1995 version of the NASB text. A modern revision of the American Standard Version of 1901, which is still respected for its accuracy, the New American Standard Bible (NASB) conforms closely to the original Greek and Hebrew but keeps the reader in mind when it comes to readability. The NASB has … Read more…

King James Version with Strong's Numbers - KJV Strong's

The KJV with Strong's Numbers includes the text of the KJV and Olive Tree's Enhanced Strong's Dictionary (with words in both the original language and transliterated form). Video: How Strong's Tagged Bibles work in the Olive Tree Bible App The King James Version (KJV) is an English tra… Read more…

(Number of titles: 282)


  • Windows 7 and higher. 32-bit (x86) application, also runs on 64-bit (x64) versions of Windows. A portable installation is included in the installer.

    For Windows XP and Vista, download OpenSong v2.1.2 for Windows


  • Requires an Intel-based Mac running macOS (OS X) 10.10 (Yosemite) or higher. Older systems should use OpenSong v1.7 or OpenSong v2.1.2

Linux & Source

  • OpenSong for Linux. This is currently a 32-bit application and requires the 32-bit libraries installed for support. On Debian-based systems (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.), use these commands:

  • Requires Xojo (formerly REALbasic) 2014r3 or higher to compile.


  • Logitech quickcam v-uav35 driver. OpenSong Import is a Windows-only companion application to help move song files into OpenSong from various and diverse formats. OSI's default import type is the CCLI SongSelect format. Other formats are included in the OSI package, and user-definable formats are possible. Full source code (in Delphi, not REALbasic) is included.


For information on installing language modules, see the Manual.

Add links to your language modules here!

  • Hungarian, Magyar: Az 1.5.1-ös verziótól a kiadás része a magyar fordítás. Régebbi fordítások: 1.5, 1.4, 1.3; - A magyar fordítással kapcsolatos hibákat az (magyar lokalizációs projekt) hibakövető rendszerébe lehet beküldeni.
  • Italian translation / Traduzione italiana (Beta) (an italian updated translation is included in the installer from version 1.6.0 / una traduzione italiana aggiornata è inclusa nel pacchetto di installazione a partire dalla versione 1.6.0)


For information on installing backgrounds, see the Manual.


For information on installing songs, see the Manual.

  • FRANÇAIS : Répertoire Shir. Tous les chants des derniers albums et recueils de louange en français. Téléchargement en FTP, WebDAV, ou synchronisation automatique en BitTorrent Sync. Les instructions sont disponibles directement ici.
  • ESPAÑOL: más de 1700 canciones / SPANISH: more than 1700 songs {Incluye todo el 'Himnario Evangélico' y el Cancionero 'Asamblea Cristiana' (Panjón/Carballino)} Si falla puedes intentarlo aquí.
  • About 200+ songs in Malay/Indonesian [200 lagu dalam Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia]
  • Songs in Iban [Lagu dalam Bahasa Iban]
  • A weekly updated SVN repository used by University Baptist Church, Baltimore, MD is available for checkout or to browse at Zip file coming soon!
  • 250 Hungarian Songs: zip, 7z. Other pack (200+ songs): zip, 7z.
  • Polish - Zbiór pieśni używany w Zborze Kościoła Ewangelicznych Chrześcijan w Nowym Tomyślu. Archiwum zawiera obecnie wszystkie 875 pieśni ze „Śpiewnika Pielgrzyma”, wszystkie 299 pieśni ze śpiewnika “Wędrowiec”, 322 pieśni które są za nowe aby znaleźć się w tych śpiewnikach oraz 607 pieśni w języku angielskim. archiwum zip. Dla bardziej zaawansowanych użytkowników mamy repozytorium pieśni w Git, które znajduje się na Githubie.
  • Polish - oferujemy do pobrania pieśni z następujących śpiewników: “Śpiewnik Pielgrzyma” - wszystkie pieśni + Addenda; “Wędrowiec” - wszystkie pieśni; “Pieśni Nowego Życia” - wszystkie pieśni. Dodatkowo jeszcze 98 pieśni z naszego Śpiewnika Zborowego oraz około 200 innych - niesklasyfikowanych. Całość zgromadzona w dużej mierze dzięki pomocy naszych przyjaciół z Wodzisławia Śląskiego i Jaworzna. Dziękujemy za pomoc. :-) Materiał umieszczony jest na stronie Kościoła Ewangelicznych Chrześcijan zbór w Grodzisku Mazowieckim. Do wyboru dwie wersje: lub
  • Slovenský balík piesní, pravidelne aktualizovaný / Slovak Song pack routinely updated: Balíček slovenských piesní
  • New Slovak Baptist SongBook with 400 songs: 'Spevník - 400 kresťanských piesní'
  • Slovenská podporná stránka pre OpenSong, kde nájdete mnoho piesní a Biblíí nie len v slovenčine. Slovak local church support page for OpenSong with lots of songs and Bibles, not only in slovak language.
  • The full Turkish song book here: -link broken


For information on installing translations, see the Manual.

  • Zefania XML BiblesList of 168 bibles in 45 languages available on






Bible verse organizer software free
  • Contemporary English Version (updated)
  • English Standard Version :: removed on request of Crossway (5 Mar 2021)
  • New Living Translation - 1st Edition :: removed on request of Tyndale
  • New Revised Standard Version (updated)
Bible Verse Organizer Software



  • Louis Segond 1910
  • Semeur 2000
  • Darby

All available here. Download jaheim ghetto love album zip.

German (Deutsch)

  • Portalseite zum Sourcefourge-Archiv des Zephania-Projektes Archiv 1 oder alternativ dazu auf einem anderen Server Archiv 2. Hier dann bitte oben in der Suchleiste 'Zefania' eingeben und auf 'Search' klicken.
  • Verzeichnis aller aktuell hier hinterlegten deutschen Bibelübersetzungen Archiv 1.

    Hier nun eine willkürliche Auswahl von Bibelübersetzungen zum direkten Download (weitere Übersetzungen siehe oben). Jeweils entpackte Dateien einfach in das Verzeichnis 'scripture' kopieren. Das *.xml-Format der Dateien wird von Opensong akzeptiert und konvertiert:

  • Schlachter 1951 Archiv 1 oder Archiv 2/German/Schlachter%201951/

  • Elberfelder 1905 Archiv 1 oder Archiv 2/German/Elberfelder%201905/
  • FreeBible 2004 Archiv 1 oder Archiv 2/German/FreeBible2004/
  • Grünewaldbibel 1924 Archiv 1 oder Archiv 2/German/Gruenewalder/ oder Archiv 3
  • Lutherbibel 1545 Archiv - die älteste deutschsprachige Bibel.
  • Konkordantes NT 1939 Archiv

    Darüber hinaus gibt es im Buchhandel sogenannte “smart cards” oder Bibelkarten (CD's in Kartenform), auf denen Bibelübersetzungen (z.B. “Hoffnung für Alle”, “Einheitsübersetzung”, “Lutherbibel 1984”, etc.), die aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dem freien Download nicht zur Verfügung stehen, relativ günstig angeboten werden. Preis ca. 5,– bis 10,– EUR. Die Rev. Lutherbibel 1984 (1999), Rev. Elberfelder 1992 und Rev. Elberfelder 2006 befinden sich auf der Brockhaus CD “Die Bibel 2007”.

    Über den Umweg des OLB-Konverters können die auf den “smart cards” vorliegenden Dateien in *.xml-Dateien konvertiert werden. Das ist zwar sehr umständlich und mit etwas Aufwand verbunden, lohnt sich aber. Leider scheint diese Version des OLB-Konverters Archiv nicht für sich alleine zu funktionieren, evtl. jedoch mit einer ehemals online herunterladbaren “Elbiwin 6.0-Demoversion”, die allerdings auch nicht mehr online verfügbar zu sein scheint.

    Jedoch kann man diese Demoversion von Elbiwin und die neueste, jüngste Version 2.8.04 des OLB-Konverters hier angefragen:


  • Káldi-Neovulgáta – készítette Albert Csanád-István
  • Magyar Bibliatársulat új fordítása (kompatibilis Zefania verzió)



  • Biblia Warszawska (Updated 2013/09/26 with fix to include Psalm 119:100-176 thanks to Romek)
  • Nowe Przymierze (póki co tylko Nowy Testament / Only the New Testament)
  • Uwspółcześniona Biblia Gdańska (Nowy Testament, Psalmy i Przysłowia / New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs)


Bible Verse Organizer Software Downloads


Swedish (Svenska)


  • Kutsal Kitap 2001 Version Turkish Translation (OpenSong Scripture Format)

    Note: Because of the idiosyncrasies of Turkish grammar, some verses have had to be merged. In the version on the second link the full merged verses are in the first verse of the merge, with the following verses being empty (e.g. Genesis 10:26-29 are in v.26; vv.27-29 are empty).

  • Kutsal Kitap 2001 Version Turkish Translation (OpenSong Scripture Format)


  • Estonian Translation 99 (OpenSong Scripture Format)


Bible Verse Organizer Software Windows 10

  • Modules for the Afrikaans 1953 and Afrikaans 1983 are available directly from the Bible Society of South Africa. Please visit and log a query.
  • Vietnamese Bible OpenSong format
  • Telugu Bible