Cheaper By The Dozen Script

Cheaper by the Dozen is a 1950Technicolor film based upon the autobiographical book Cheaper by the Dozen (1948) by Frank Bunker Gilbreth Jr. And Ernestine Gilbreth Carey. The film and book describe growing up in a family with twelve children, in Montclair, New Jersey. May 30, 2011 Cheaper by the Dozen is a sweet memoir that serves as a loving tribute to the author's parents and eleven siblings. The home life feels very old-fashioned for this modern reader, but I enjoyed the unique and quirky stories.

Casting Call

'Cheaper by the Dozen'

Adapted by: Christopher Sergel
From the book by:
Frank B. Gilbreth Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey.

Dominick and Karren Abbatiello

Directed by:
Christopher Russoniello

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Synopsis: Suppose you're an attractive high school girl and you're not only a member of a large and unique family but your father is, in fact, one of the great pioneers of industrial efficiency. Then suppose he decides, for no apparent reason, to apply his unorthodox methods to you and to the rest of your big family. The results are terribly embarrassing, funny and --it must be admitted-- extremely effective! Warkey download 6.8. To Anne, however, the chief effect seems to be that of making them seem ridiculous to everyone else at school -- especially to the boys!

Director Christopher Russoniello is seeking the following:
2 Adult Males and 3 teens
3 Adult Females and 3 teens
4 Boys
1 Girl


Character Age


Frank Bunker GilbrethLate 40's-mid 50'sFather- A time and motion study engineer. Carries himself with the self-assurance of a successful man who is proud of his wife and family as well as his business accomplishments. Though a disciplinarian, he loves nothing so much as a good joke, preferably one on himself.
Lillian Moller GilbrethEarly 40's to 50Mother-A gracious, attractive women. She is also a psychologist. In her own way she is often able to get better results with her large family more so than her disciplinarian husband.
Anne Gilbreth17The oldest Gilbreth child. Attractive, sweet natured, yet stubborn. Dedicated to loosening up her father's rules (not just for herself, but for her younger siblings)
Frank Bunker Gilbreth Jr.16A Gilbreth child The Co-Narrator.
Ernestine Gilbreth15A Gilbreth child Co-Narrator Anne's Co-conspirator
Martha Gilbreth14A Gilbreth child Another of Anne's Co-conspirators
Bill10-12A younger Gilbreth child
Lillian9-11A younger Gilbreth child
Fred8-10A younger Gilbreth child
Dan7-9A younger Gilbreth child
Jackie5-7A younger Gilbreth child
Mrs. Fitzgerald50-70The housekeeper - a kind woman who is completely devoted to the family. Sometimes her patience is tried by the ongoing chaos of the large family
Dr. Burton40's-50'sFamily Doctor
Joe Scales17A small cheerleader. Very cocky and interested in dating Anne.
Miss Brill20+A teacher who has no love for the children.
Larry17A nice looking, clean cut boy interested in Anne.

Special Notes for Auditioners:
Reading will be from the script. List of credits appreciated.

Auditions will be held at the

Somerset Valley Players

Located at 689 Amwell Road, Hillsborough. For directions click here

On Saturday, May 12th 2018 at 2 p.m. and
Tuesday, May 15th 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
There will not be any callbacks

The show runs Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m.
July 20th through August 5th 2018.

For further information call 908.369.7469

Email address

This program is made possible, in part, by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, and administered by the Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Commission through the State/County Partnership Local Arts Program
This page was updated on May 13, 2018 and hosted by K & D Enterprises for the Somerset Valley Players

Cheaper by the Dozen is a 2003 American comedy film about a family with twelve children. The story is unrelated to the book of the same title.

Directed by Shawn Levy, Written by Craig Titley, Sam Harper, Joel Cohen, & Alec Sokolow

No! No, no! No, no, no!

Tom Baker[edit]

  • You soaked his underwear in meat. That is so wrong. Funny, but wrong.
  • All right, enough is enough! You're slacking on your chores, you're fighting at school, things are out of control! As of this moment, you are all grounded!
  • What's grounded?! I'll tell you what grounded is, except for attending games, you go to school, you come home from school, you do your chores, you do your homework, you go to bed, and that's it!!
  • Get my kids and meet me at my house. Ready? Break!
  • (On the phone trying to get a babysitter) How many? Well, when you get over here we can just count 'em up! (Next call) How many kids do I have? Twelve. But one doesn't live with me, and one you never see 'cause he's so mad! (Next call) Just.. just.. just twelve. (Next call) Hello! I'll just hang up on myself.
  • If I screw up raising my kids, nothing I achieve will matter much.
  • You have a dark gift, Sarah Baker.

Kate Baker[edit]

  • I guess you could say that when Tom and I left Midland we had a mess of theories about how to raise children. We still have a mess of children, but no theories. Sure, 12 is still our number. It's the number of months my book was on the bestseller list. It's the number of job offers Tom turned down before we found one close to home. And each day it's the number of times I'm thankful there's such a thing as family.


Tom: You were checking me out, weren't you?
Kate: Yes, I was. You got a problem with that?
Tom: Twelve kids later and we still got the heat!
Kate: Whoo!
Kate: Sarah, your suspension from lacrosse for excessive force has been lifted, so you're going today.
Sarah: Yes!
Kate: Henry, you have band practice, all right? I cleaned your clarinet. Please don't play with your food in your mouth again. Kim and Jessica, your teacher called and has made a request that you do not correct her in front of the class. Mike, you have show-and-tell today. And please, honey, remember that body parts do not count. Kyle and Nigel, you have a dentist appointment at 3:00, so you're going to work with Dad.
Nigel and Kyle: Yeah! (yell)
Tina Shenk: Is Jake your only child?
Kate: Oh, no. We have 12.
Tom: I couldn't keep her off me.
Charlie: Did I mention I don't like you very much?
Tom: Yeah, you mentioned that.
Charlie: Then I'm good.
Hank: It's getting so as I can hardly go out in public any more. I mean, really, between the autograph hounds and the paparazzi..
Kate: Autographs and everything? I mean, just the one commercial, and you have paparazzi?
Hank: Yeah. I've never actually seen them, but, you know, they hide in the bush and they get their shot.
Mark: Have you seen my frog, Dad?
Tom: Sorry, Charlie.. er, Nigel.. Kyle.
Mark: It's Mark.
Tom: I knew that.
Jake: Dude two words: need new skates.
Kate: Dude three words: Paper route. (computer receives a message. Reads Nora's message) 'Hi, can't make dinner. Hank and I are moving into our new apartment. Love, Nora.'
Mark: Have you seen Beans, Mom?
Kate: No.
Nora: Oh, honey, they were just welcoming you into the family.
Hank: They just set me on fire.
Nora: Just your pants.
Hank: Sure, last time, it was my pants, but what if next time it's my face? This is how I get the jobs!
Tom: (On the phone) Hello, my name is Tom Baker and I'm interested in hiring a domestic helper..I have twelve children. (Pause) Actually I am serious. (Later calling another housekeeper) Just twelve..(Different call) Twelve..(Calling another babysitter) There is only ten. (Another call) Well, there's twelve but one doesn't live with me and another you will never see because he is so mad! (Another call) How many kids? Well how about when you get here let's count them up? (Later) UHH..A dozen?! (He scratches off about 25 babysitting businesses and hangs his phone up about 10 times; later on a call) Just..just twelve. (Another call) Hello? I'll just hang up on myself..(He angrily hangs up his phone and bows his head in frustration)
[Tom has the kids gathered in the living room for having fights at school and not doing any chores around the house]
Tom:[angrily] All right, enough is enough. You're slacking on your chores, you're fighting at school, things are out of control. As of this moment, you are all grounded.
Mike: What's grounded?
Tom: What's grounded? I'll tell you what grounded is. Except for attending games, you go to school, you come home from school, you do your homework, you do your chores, you go to bed, and that's it.
Sarah: But that--
Tom: Oh, yes, Sarah, I know, that sucks, but that's the way it is!
Jake: Does this mean we can't go to Dylan's birthday party?
Tom: That's exactly what it means.
Kim: But we bought his presents already!
Tom:YOU ARE GOING TO MISS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!![the kids are shocked into silence] Now, go to bed! [he Baker kids head their rooms, upset]
Sarah:[After knocking on the door to tell the other children the plan] I'm going to Dylan's birthday party. Who's with me?
The Baker Kids: Yeah!
(The children climb out of the window and bring presents to Dylan to enter the party without Tom noticing that they climbed out of the window and went to Dylan's birthday party)
Tina: Hi..oh! (the Baker kids gave each present to Tina)
Mark: Brazilian Mud Viper. She gets one live rat a week. (gives it to Tina).
Jake: Hey, Dylan. Wanna play catch with the football I got you?
Dylan: Uh, my nanny'd have to check with my dad.. who'd have to check with my mom who would say it was an inappropriate use of free time.
Jake: Hmm. Sounds like a yes to me. Go get it, Mike.
(Mike runs to the present counter to get Jake's present, which knocks the snake that was in Mark's present)
Cheaper By The Dozen Script
Tom:[to Football players] Get my kids and meet me at the house. Ready? Break!
[The football players begin to catch the Baker kids, one by one, and Tom sees Sarah in the bounce house]
Tom: Sarah Baker! Off now!
Sarah: No way!
Tom: Don't make me come up there!
[Sarah becomes shocked about her father trying to catch her in the bounce house and Tom goes into the bounce house to catch her, but ends up failing to catch her and the football players knock someone with an air tank and the air tank presses on the bounce house, causing it to over-inflate. Tom realizes the bounce house is about to explode]
Person in the bounce house: Oh, my God! It's gonna blow!
[The bounce house explodes as Tom, Sarah and the other people are launched into the air. The football players catch Sarah and the other kids. Dylan sees Tom falling towards him and screams as Tom lands on him, offscreen. Cut to Dylan being carried on a gurney at the hospital, with a black eye, chipped tooth and broken arm]
Dylan: It was my best birthday ever, Coach.
Tina:[angrily] Your children are never playing with Dylan again!
Tom: Sorry about your arm, Dylan.
(As Tina and Dylan head to the Hospital room and leave Tom, Tom hears his cell phone and gets a call from Shake)
Tom: Hello, Shake.
Shake: Any idea what this could do to my program? Don't speak. Listen. I don't want the players at your house, and I don't want your kids in the department.
(Tom turns off his cell phone and becomes depressed and sees the Newspeople)
Newsman: There he is! Coach! Coach! How will this impact Saturday's game? Coach, what do you have to say to reports that you're simply spreading yourself too thin?

Cheaper By The Dozen Script Joe Scales

Nigel: Come on, Dad, don't hide in the closet!
Kyle: Take it like a MAN!
[The twins smash an axe through the closet door]
Tom: I'd just hate to break that up.

Cheaper By The Dozen

Mark: Mom, Beans is dead.
Sarah: Nobody cares about your stupid frog right now, FedEx, okay?
Mark: (Annoyed and irritated) Stop calling me that! (charges at her, causing the whole family to start a heated argument)
Kate: Don't you dare call him that!
Tom: All right! Hey!
Kate: Stop! Stop!
Cameraman 1: What's the name of this segment again?
Cameraman 2: Uh, 'One Big Happy Family'?
Cameraman 1: Okay, I'm calling Oprah's family right now.
Hank: All I'm saying is families are inevitable. It's like death or taxes.
Nora: Does that mean you don't want children?
Hank: Chil..?
Kate: Leave him alone!
Hank: Hello! Look at these-- They're monsters! Honey, you can't want this. That's why you're with me.
Tom: Nora! Come on! We need you down here!
Lorraine: You're stepping on me! You're messing my hair! Stop!
Kate: Nigel, get off your brother's head!
(Nora comes downstairs)
Mark: Get off me! Nobody cares about me!
Nora: Mark.
Mark: Nobody cares about me!
Nora: (tries to comfort Mark) Mark, what's going on? (Mark runs upstairs in despair) Mark! Mark!
Sarah and Lorraine: What are you talking about?!


The Baker Family[edit]

  • Steve Martin as Tom Baker
  • Bonnie Hunt as Kate Baker
  • Piper Perabo as Nora Baker
  • Tom Welling as Charlie Baker
  • Hilary Duff as Lorraine Baker
  • Kevin Schmidt as Henry Baker
  • Alyson Stoner as Sarah Baker
  • Jacob Smith as Jake Baker
  • Forrest Landis as Mark Baker
  • Liliana Mumy as Jessica Baker
  • Morgan York as Kim Baker
  • Blake Woodruff as Mike Baker
  • Brent Kinsman as Nigel Baker
  • Shane Kinsman as Kyle Baker

Cheaper By The Dozen Script Pdf


  • Paula Marshall as Tina Shenk
  • Alan Ruck as Bill Shenk
  • Steven Anthony Lawrence as Dylan Shenk
  • Richard Jenkins as Shake McGuire
  • Ashton Kutcher as Hank
  • Tiffany Dupont as Beth
  • Cody Linley as Quinn
  • Jared Padalecki as an unnamed bully
  • Dax Shepard as a member of the camera crew
  • Regis Philbin as Himself
  • Kelly Ripa as Herself
  • Frank Welker as Gunner (voice)

Cheaper By The Dozen Script Play

External links[edit]

Cheaper By The Dozen Play Script Pdf

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